2015 Division Club Car Update

Great news! We’ve got the artwork back from Accurail and online ordering is now up! If you want to pay with a credit card, use the PayPal system setup on the Division Club Car page. If you have already reserved one with Stan, let him know that’s how you want […]

April Layout Tour 2015

Guil’s layout is a work-in-progress like most of our layouts. Heavy into the steel industry including all things that support it: open hearth, blast furnace, roller mill, coal mine load-outs, and so on… several large yards, hundreds of cars, oh and don’t forget the passenger trains, plus all kinds of […]

New Feature Coming Soon

We are adding a new feature to our website that will be coming soon. Videos of the clinics will be posted in a members only area. You need to be a current NMRA member and registered on this website to view the entire video. For now you can view the […]


We have added a new page to the website showcasing those who have received AP certificates as well as those actively working on certificates. This month at the event we passed out 8 Merit Award certificates! These are awarded to modelers who had models that were judged against a set of […]

Clinic Survey

            We want to offer clinics that you want to attend. Please complete this by Friday the 16th so we can plan our events. (If it’s past the 16th we would still like your feedback.) Clinic Survey It is only 5 questions. Thanks!  

Election Results

We had a great meeting in December at Blaine Holbrook’s home. He and his family made us feel very welcomed and it was a nice touch to enlist the help of his granddaughters (I think) and that they were willing to dress like conductors! Look for more info about it […]

December Newsletter and Elections

The December Newsletter has been sent as well as the Special Edition for the elections. If you have not received it to your email, make sure National has your current email address on file. You can also send your email to editor@northernutahnmra.org but make sure National has it too. Here is […]

Great Train Show

It was a great show with lots to see! Big Budda from Fox13 even showed up. He’s worked at Fox13 for eleven years and this was the first Sunday morning broadcast he’s done! He must really like trains to come out and cover our show! http://fox13now.com/2014/11/09/big-budah-rides-a-train-at-the-wasatch-rails-train-show Here’s one photo from […]

Wasatch Rails Info Update

en español Skip ahead of the line – order your tickets online. Click the Buy Now button below and on the next page enter the quantity of tickets you which to purchase. Bring your confirmation email with you and we will check it against our list. Last day to order […]

Northern Utah Division Social

12:00 NOON – 4:00 PM October 11, 2014The Northern Utah Division of the NMRA will be hosting a Social at the Tooele Railraod Museum. 35 N Broadway St, Tooele, UTA BBQ style lunch will be served courtesey of the Division – Hamburgers & hot dogs with sides and desert.The layout will […]