New Division Club Cars Announced

Model Railroader’s website has the announcement that our new Division Special Run Club Cars are ready to order: Here’s a thumbnail picture of the two cars. Click on the image to be taken to the Club Car page. These, like our previous limited run cars, are just that: LIMITED. […]

Latest Issue of Promontory Post

Let’s start off with a quick apology to all you faithful readers (all three of you) for not getting a newsletter out in February. To use a Navy term, I was OBE (overcome by events). Too much to do and not enough time to do it all. -Geoff Volume 02 […]

March Meeting Update

What a clinic!! We all knew about the transcontinental railroad, but who knew that Utah had such an incredible railroad history in its own right? I didn’t, until this afternoon. Don has a terrific website called Utah Rails that is a “boxcar load” of information on local railroading history. Thank […]

Golden Spike Limited 2014

June 17th through 22nd, the Division is hosting the Rocky Mountain Region’s annual Convention in Sandy! You won’t want to miss this. Not only is this a Region Convention we can all actually drive to, the Convention Committee have planned some fantastic events for us to enjoy! Charlie Getz, yes, that Charlie […]

Railroading Merit Badge Clinic

Geoff Carter, Fred Baney & Jim Wanlass recently helped at a Merit Badge Pow Wow. They passed off 20 scouts who earned the Railroading Merit Badge. Fred & Jim are official Merit Badge Counselors while Geoff brought his timesaver and knowledge about railroading. All three have built their own timesavers, […]

Final Draft of the new Division Bylaws

The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee has finished their work on the final draft of the new Division Bylaws, which has been posted to this website on December 30, 2013. The draft Bylaws will be available for member review until the vote to approve them is taken on March 15th, […]